> Worse in what way in 21st Century USA? Had them beaten? Had them lead
> from the Capitol in chains and sent to Quantanamo with the rest of
> the enemies of the US? The 19th century was, well the 19th century.
> Has anything remotely like this happened in the 20th or 21st century
> except in Texas (hey that was another republican adventure wasn't it?)

I've heard accounts of protesters who were arrested in DC.  If any
Congresscritters had been treated that way, yeah, that would have been
worse.  (And those accounts were since January 2001.)

If you're thinking of the Democrats fleeing to Oklahoma in May, yeah,
that was Texas.  The whole redistricting mess.  And the @#$% special
sessions the governor keeps calling for dealing with it aren't making
anyone I talk to, regardless of political affiliation, all that happy.
(Of course, I'm not talking to Tom DeLay, but at this point, I would not
be inclined to give him the time of day due to his involvement in
redistricting issues.)  I think that no matter what kind of new map
passes, if one does, there WILL be a lawsuit, and the state of Texas is
going to have to spend taxpayer money on the suit instead of things that
could *use* it a lot more, like schools (especially in property-poor
districts) and roads.


About the DC protestors issue: is it the account that was posted here, a few month ago? How can I say this charitably? I've had "dealings" with police both good and bad. I could type out incidents that would make your hair stand on end, and they would be factually true. I could type out the same incidents and they'd be funny as hell and just as true. When a police officer calls you a redheaded MoFo, and he used the complete word, what can you do? I laughed in his face.

One question I had about the Texas redistricting issue, I've seen the map of the proposed redistricting, but no maps of the current districts. I hear the dems arguments, but wonder how much is just political grasping at straws? I'm going to say something bad (surprise): while I understand if a black district complains about being split up, or worse forced together so they always pick a certain party representative, I don't think the Hispanics are as rigid in their party affiliation, as a certain Texas representative said they should be. It's almost reverse discrimination, saying the people can't choose for themselves.

Here in PA, there was a redistricting fight which pitted a long standing Dem against a longer serving Repub. While the final vote was close, the voter counts were so high for the winner in some districts, like 90%, that it was unbelievable. I'm not saying there was fraud, no recount was called for but some rational people look at those numbers and wonder where they came from. The story now is, the loser can't find an ear as a lobbyist, he's blamed for the loss.

Kevin T. - VRWC
Why am I still up?


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