--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> So it really depends on who the "left" is. If you
> are talking about moderate democrats and liberals,
> their plan would have been much the same as Bush's
> sans the alienation of the rest of the world and the
> war on Iraq this year (maybe not; Some in Clinton's
> white house wanted to take Sadaam out so with a
> changed political climate this might have happened
> anyway). If you are talking about the real left (not
> just the left of center liberals), who cares?

Do you seriously believe that if any person other than
Bush were President we would have taken out Saddam by
now?  Really?

Also, the goal of international relations is not
_popularity_.  The world is not a high school.  Bush
_used_ the sympathy 9/11 generated to make possible
something that would not have been possible without it
- the removal of Saddam Hussein, something that was
clearly not in the interest of anyone in the region or
in Europe (save England).  His ability to do that was
diplomatic skill of the highest order.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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