-------Original Message-------
From: Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> QUESTION 1)  The British inform us that they have learned that Iraq
> >> recently tried to acquire significant quantities of intelligence in
> >>
> >> The Bush Administration naturally tries to verify this claim, but
> >> do so.   They tell the British that we can't verify their claim.  
> >> British respond that they cannot reveal their intelligence sources on
> >> but they assure us that the intelligence is of the highest quality.
> >>
> >> At this point, do you;
> >> a) Call the British liars since our intelligence services have such
> >> reservations about it?
> >> b) Call the British incompetent for giving us intelligence that our
> >> intelligence services has not verified, and indeed has strong doubts
> >> c) Ignore the British intelligence as questionable?
> >> d) Accept that the British intelligence services may have 
> >> access to other sources

Why not
e) Both the British and the American governments have overruled the
better judgment of their intelligence services.  

Uhhh.... "e" does not answer the question of "what do you do?"

Please try again - I am really looking forward to having some of the critics of the 
Bush Administration's decisions at this juncture to actually answer the question of 
what they would have done.

JDG - But perhaps I should not hold my breath, Maru?

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