> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Don't use it in the SOU. You don't insult the
> > british by not using the information. But by the way
> > why is it "as is usual"? It would seem to me in
> > something this important the british could share
> > their specific information. I would suspect that
> > more often than not in situations like this the info
> > would be shared. I would very upset to learn that we
> > and our allies shared only conclusions not evidence.

Gautam Mukunda wrote:
> The British have stated that their source (informed
> speculation is French intelligence, but no one knows
> for sure) refused them permission to share the
> evidence, only the conclusions.  This is very ordinary
> in the intelligence world, where sources and methods
> are prized above all things.

So then the President used information that ultimately
came from French Intelligence, a country which his own
administration has all but accused of having a conflict
of interest wrt Iraq?  This sounds worse than before.

-- Matt


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