--- Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And the problem is that you never know until after
> it has happened which 
> seemingly innocuous detail may be enough to get an
> "asset" (= person) 
> killed, which not only may be something you as a
> human being feel 
> responsible for, but it cuts off your source of
> possible future information 
> and alerts the enemy to the fact that you have been
> spying on them and 
> gives them a pretty good idea of what information
> may have been compromised 
> (= the information that asset had access to).
> --Ronn! :)

In fact, there's a recent and very relevant example of
that.  Just after Pres. Clinton launched his cruise
missile attack and attempt to kill Bin Laden (which
failed) he defended the timing by saying that we had
satellite intercepts stating that was Bin Laden's
position.  Unsurprisingly, from that moment on Bin
Laden never used his satellite phone again - depriving
us of one of our chief sources of intelligence on him.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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