--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> He loves America - while hating all kinds of
> Americans who don't happen to be 
> exactly like him. Rush Limbaugh succeeds by lying to
> the public, by pandering 
> to their prejudices and to their completely
> misplaced resentments and grudges 
> and envies and greeds. Instead of inspiring them to
> be better people, he 
> tells them it's just fine to be selfish, greedy,
> stupid, ignorant shits. 

How arrogant.  Basically your argument is that
Limbaugh is popular because he tricks the stupid
average Americans who listen to him, who are too dumb
and foolish to see through him - unlike the great and
wise Tom, who does.  Just like David, you make my case
better than I ever could.

In the 1950s, Adlai Stevenson, when told that "every
thinking person was voting for him" replied that
unfortunately, he needed a majority.  It is, of
course, impossible to imagine Eisenhower (or Reagan)
saying such a thing.  First there's the arrogance of
thinking that a non-entity like Stevenson was somehow
more intelligent than the man who led Torch and
Overlord and wrote _Crusade in Europe_.  Second, the
automatic condescension that most Americans don't
think.  Apparently nothing has changed since then.

> William Bennet is permitted to grump publicly about
> how everything is awful 
> and going to hell - why can't liberals?

No one says they can't.  Bennet doesn't say that
things are going badly, so there's nothing worthwhile
about the US and it stands for nothing worthwhile.  A
significant difference.
> Do Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell love America,
> after saying the despicable 
> things they did after 9/11? 

No, which is why they were ostracized by the
conservative movement, absolutely and completely.  Far
_more_ harshly criticized on the right than they were
on the left, actually.
> Okay, I'm rambling here. It's late and I'm very
> tired. But don't ever tell me 
> that liberals don't love America.
> Tom Beck

No one did.  The left, though - which is distinct from
liberals, although they overlap, and influence each
other extensively.  

There's a point where the argument that criticism is
patriotic becomes stupid, not meaningful.  If you see
Saddam Hussein's Iraq and George Bush's America and
can't choose between them because Bush's America isn't
perfect, it doesn't make you a patriot who nobly
criticizes his country.  It makes you someone without
the ability of a chimpanzee to make moral
distinctions.  When the response of so many to
September 11th was to say that we deserved it, or it
was a product of our actions, or (as Michael Moore
did) that the attacks were mistargeted because they
didn't kill Republicans, they weren't prophets
engaging in self-criticism.  They were self-hating
bigots who seek to weaken the defense of Western
civilization against those who would destroy it.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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