Julia Thompson wrote:
Erik Reuter wrote:

On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 09:34:45AM -0700, Doug Pensinger wrote:

So the parent was putting up the articles 'cause he was proud of his
son, why were you putting the loosing articles up?

Fair and balanced reporting?

If there's a limited amount of bulletin board space and someone's taking
up more than their share for that sort of thing, I might be secretly
cheering on the person posting the losing articles even if I knew and
liked the kid in question.

(This from someone whose parents never bragged *that* overtly, but would
proudly give info if anyone *asked* after one of us.  And I'm still not
sure how I feel about the whole "My kid is an honors student at school
X" bumper sticker phenomenon - I think it's a little tacky to be running
around town with that plastered to the back of a minivan.)


at least the dad wasn't bringing in the trophies to show them off, was

If there was limited space on the board or if said parent was bragging incessantly about his kid in addition to posting the article, I can understand. Otherwise I would think the articles would be pretty easy to ignore.


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