At 12:52 PM 8/31/03 -0500, Julia Thompson wrote:
Erik Reuter wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 09:34:45AM -0700, Doug Pensinger wrote:
> > So the parent was putting up the articles 'cause he was proud of his
> > son, why were you putting the loosing articles up?
> Fair and balanced reporting?

If there's a limited amount of bulletin board space and someone's taking
up more than their share for that sort of thing, I might be secretly
cheering on the person posting the losing articles even if I knew and
liked the kid in question.

(This from someone whose parents never bragged *that* overtly, but would
proudly give info if anyone *asked* after one of us.  And I'm still not
sure how I feel about the whole "My kid is an honors student at school
X" bumper sticker phenomenon - I think it's a little tacky to be running
around town with that plastered to the back of a minivan.)

I keep thinking there ought to be ones that read "My kid is on academic probation at School X" or "My kid is on permanent detention at School X" . . .

-- Ronn! :)


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