At 12:49 AM 8/31/2003 -0500, you wrote:
At 09:21 PM 8/30/03 -0500, Julia Thompson wrote:
"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> At one institution where I was filling in for their astronomy prof while he
> was on sabbatical, someone had posted an article from some education
> newsletter on the bulletin board in the faculty office area in which the
> author explained why it was inconceivable that one could be both a college
> professor and a Republican . . .

Did the author's head explode when he found out about Marvin Olasky?

I have no idea. It was just something someone had hung on the board. Most of what I recall of his argument was that college professors need to be open-minded, and Democrats are open-minded while Republicans are closed-minded, therefore . . .

-- Ronn

Did anyone write a rebuttal? Was it obvious who posted the article? Where I have worked, everything had to be pre-approved, with a set posting date. Even if you were selling a car or announcing a co-worker having a baby. Where I'm at now, there are no rules. Postings go up that have no relevance to anything. One proud parent was putting up articles from a newspaper whenever his son won a wrestling match. That stopped when someone put up articles whenever his son lost. (Adopting lil' devil look. Best $7.50 I ever spent, the losing articles were ripped down pretty quickly and I needed 15 papers before the parent gave up.)

No big deal. You said you were just visiting. Heck, I don't know what your views are.

Kevin T. - VRWC
Penn State sucks maru


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