On 1/26/2008 8:47:30 PM, William T Goodall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> On 27 Jan 2008, at 02:27, Robert Seeberger wrote:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>
> >> Just ban all religions. That would solve the problem.
> >>
> >
> > That might be a reasonable response if Scientology were in fact a
> > religion.
> What makes you think that it isn't?

Considering your point of view on all things religious, this could be 
a difficult discussion. So if you consider The Church Of The Jedi or 
Pastafarianism to be bonafide religions, then there is no point in us 
wasting our time.
If you do indeed draw a line between organizations with origins that 
arise from actual faith and those who are scams perpetrated for 
various reasons when defining religions then we might have something 
to discuss.

I would expect you are aware of the history of Sci/Dia but if not, as 
Anonymous says, "Google is your friend".

> Quacks like a duck Maru.
Sounds more like the barking of Lawyers to my ear.

Have you seen "Anonymous' Response To The Media"?
This, to me, is the single most science fictional real-life-event of 
my lifetime. Offhand I cannot recall anything that resonated with my 
favorite genre the way this story does.
You always hear people say "You can't make this stuff up", but in this 
case every aspect of it is like something "made up". Probably because 
every aspect of it is.

The Silence Of The Scientologists Maru


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