----- Original Message ----- 
From: "William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: CoS in the news

> On 27 Jan 2008, at 03:28, Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> On 1/26/2008 8:47:30 PM, William T Goodall ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>> wrote:
>>> On 27 Jan 2008, at 02:27, Robert Seeberger wrote:
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> Just ban all religions. That would solve the problem.
>>>> That might be a reasonable response if Scientology were in fact a
>>>> religion.
>>> What makes you think that it isn't?
>> Considering your point of view on all things religious, this could 
>> be
>> a difficult discussion. So if you consider The Church Of The Jedi 
>> or
>> Pastafarianism to be bonafide religions, then there is no point in 
>> us
>> wasting our time.
> 1) The intent of the founder of a religion is not part of the
> definition of whether it is or is not a religion for very obvious
> reasons:
> a) We can't know the real intent of the founder.
> b) Discussion of religion degenerates into attacks on the character 
> of
> the founders rather than the practices of the religion.
> 2) Whether the founder of a religion was a fraud who made it up for
> selfish purposes or a genuinely insane person with voices in his 
> head
> is neither here nor there - the religion is the same sick nonsense
> either way.
> 3) An inscrutable god might choose a false prophet to deliver true
> religion. Since inscrutable gods do those kind of things :)
> 4) Just because a religion is made up as a joke and everyone knows 
> it
> doesn't mean it's not a real religion e.g. Discordianism.  Being
> *actually true* can't be part of the definition of religion for
> obvious reasons.
> a) *At most* one religion can be true, yet there are thousands of
> religions.

So....... you concede there are no grounds for discussion.<G>

Oh, BTW...

1 Apple
1a Apple
1b Apple vs MS
2 Apple vs MS vs Linux
4a Unix and any derivation thereof

>> If you do indeed draw a line between organizations with origins 
>> that
>> arise from actual faith and those who are scams perpetrated for
>> various reasons when defining religions then we might have 
>> something
>> to discuss.
> So Christianity is a scam because of the existence of greedy lying
> televangelists and mega-church pastors? Or it's not a scam despite
> them since some people genuinely believe it? But some people 
> genuinely
> believe Scientology too.
Even you know that not all Christianity is televangelists and 
mega-churches, but you must be aware that all of Scientology is a 
bloated pyramid scheme regardless of what the common member believes. 
Lots of Christians have a low opinion of televangelists and the like 
and don't pay them heed. A Scientologist isn't allowed that freedom.

Totalitarian Maru


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