----- Original Message ----- 
From: "William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: CoS in the news

> On 28 Jan 2008, at 01:19, Doug Pensinger wrote:
>> William wrote:
>>> On 27 Jan 2008, at 21:49, Julia Thompson wrote:
>>>> If the Scientologists have a schism, each side's lawyers will be 
>>>> so
>>>> busy
>>>> suing the other side that it'll all collapse sooner rather than
>>>> later, and
>>>> that will be the end of that.
>>> Or they could be like the  Sunni and Shi'a.
>>> Same but different Maru.
>>> From Wiki:
>> Although "Scientology" is most often used as shorthand for the
>> Church of
>> Scientology <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_Scientology>, a
>> number
>> of groups practice Scientology and Dianetics outside of the 
>> official
>> Church.
>> Some groups are breakaways from the original Church while others 
>> have
>> started up independently. The Church labels these as
>> "apostates<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostasy>"
>> (or "squirrels" in Scientology
>> jargon<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology_terminology>)
>> and often subjects them to considerable legal and social pressure.
>> These
>> groups avoid the name "Scientology" so as to keep from being
>> sued<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawsuit>,
>> instead referring to themselves collectively as the Free
>> Zone<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Zone_%28Scientology%29>.
>> Such groups include Ron's Org and the International Freezone
>> Association,
>> among others.
> Clearly these schismatic groups can't be termed fake religions under
> the criteria Rob was suggesting and yet they share most of the 
> beliefs
> of the original group.

To some degree I would agree here, but even that is dependent on how 
the splinter groups conduct their business. Still, any flavor of 
Scientology is more of a philosophical movement than an actual 
religion in the traditional sense even though it might satisfy a 
clinical definition say.....the way a cargo cult would.

From: http://www.modemac.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl/Is_Scientology_a_religion

"The actions of the Church of Scientology have brought a storm of 
criticism upon the organization. Scientologists frequently compare the 
criticism of Scientology to the persecution of members of the Jewish 
faith, but the many actions of the organization have been decidedly 
non-religious in nature.

However, there are people who believe in the power of Dianetics. These 
people, who categorize themselves as the Free Zone, have broken away 
from the fascist control of Scientology; instead, they are applying 
the "tech" of Hubbard's writings to their own beliefs, transforming it 
into a philosophy of their own. The "official" Church of Scientology 
is terrified of the Free Zone and its appeal, for they believe that if 
knowledge of the Free Zone were to spread through the ranks of the 
Church, many people would break away from Scientology and form their 
own individual factions of Scientology. These denominations would be 
independent of Scientology's controlÂ…and this means that the Church of 
Scientology would not receive any money from the Free Zone. This 
concept contrasts with Hubbard's official policy, so the Church of 
Scientology is doing everything it can to wipe out the Free Zone.

But as with its attempts to silence its critics, the Church of 
Scientology is failing. The Free Zone is expanding, and despite the 
best efforts of the "official" Church of Scientology to present itself 
as a religion, the Free Zone may well be the true source for the 
religion of Scientology."

I think this points to the difference in our opinions on the subject. 
You see Scientology as a religion first and as a steaming pile of 
totalitarian crap second.

I see Scientology as a totalitarian mind-control/pyramid-scheme first 
and any expectations of a religious nature only at the fringes of 
their concern, and that only to the purpose of the preservation of 
their tax-exempt status here in the US.

>How could a law protect these genuine religions
> and also ban the original Scientologists at the same time?
Easily! You take away the COSI's tax-exempt status away and give it to 
the splinter groups. That would do more to damage the COS and enhance 
a measure of justice than just about anything else. BTW, that is 
basically what Anonymous is trying to achieve by causing *exposure*.

About Money Maru


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