On 16 Aug 2009 at 14:44, John Williams wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Andrew
> Crystall<dawnfal...@upliftwar.com> wrote:
> > Many people won't go for checkups if they have to pay out of pocket,
> > and they will ignore dangerous conditions for too long.
> Did you read the article, or just the excerpts I posted? This was
> discussed in the article.

Yes, you're simply refusing to accnowledge the actual results of the 
policys proposed... none of this is things which have not been seen 
when you push "routine" costs onto people and make new ways for them 
to be charged (as their "status" insurance can be cancelled, as well 
as their normal insurance).

> > Sure, evidence is that because you'd be punishing people financially
> > when they wanted proper preventative care, they'll be paying out more
> > in the longer run.
> No, there was nothing suggested that would "punish people" for
> preventative care.

Pushing routine prevenative costs onto people does exactly that, 
wereas basic cover being assured (companies cannot refuse to offer 
it) and a pool assigned to companies based on patient risk does the 
exact opposite (because it's in the company's interests to monitor 
acute conditions and to catch problems early, saving themselves 

> > And you still have the exact same condition of many people being one
> > illness from poverty, a refusal to cover pre-existing conditions and
> > no way for poorer people to get the care they need for those
> > conditions, leading to a need for chronic care rather than far
> > cheaper accute care.
> Dealing with the poor was discussed in the article, as was mandatory
> catastrophic insurance for all. As for the other things, please see
> the article I referenced in another post about health-status
> insurance.

This isn't something you can say just concerns the poor, it affects 
the vast majority of Americans. And I've seen the article, it's 
simply wishful thinking that there has to be a way to Be Better. No, 
it'll just raise premiums and reduce cover again.



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