On 16 Aug 2009 at 15:52, John Williams wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Andrew
> Crystall<dawnfal...@upliftwar.com> wrote:
> > Yes, you're simply refusing to accnowledge the actual results of the
> > policys proposed...
> What exactly am I refusing to acknowledge?

That you'd simply once again reduce the number of people with proper 
insurance, drive older workers onto the grey market and reduce the 
scope of insurance-covered healthcare.

> > to be charged (as their "status" insurance can be cancelled,
> Health status insurance "cancelled"? Not if there is a contract. It is
> like life insurance. Do you worry about life insurance being
> "cancelled"?

As yes, good and equivalent example. Firstly, in many cases life 
insurance is unavaliable. Secondly, the premiums depend on precisely 
the same issues which drive up health insurance, so if you're a bad 
health risk or have prexisting conditions you're very unlikely to be 
able to get status coverage at a deacent price or at all in the first 
place, or if you can the amount of increae you could would be 
limited. Then there are exclusions which cover a lot of activites, 
and in many cases, for example, flatly exclude claims happening 
outside America.

And yes, there's no reason to believe that they wouldn't be cancelled 
if the company providing health insurance claimed that there was a 
fraudlant application, because of course fraud on the policy means 
the insurance on the policy is invalid. And they can allways have 
their own standards to investigate as well, with their own 
cancelation procedures.

> > Pushing routine prevenative costs onto people does exactly that,
> Having people pay for a service is a punishment? So am I being
> punished when I pay my auto mechanic to change the oil?

I'd suggest you read up on the basics of preventative medicine, and 
look at the prices of simple doctor's visits in America. A better 
analogy is pay roads, where every major road is one.

Dawn Falcon


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