On Nov 19, 2012, at 8:11 AM, Dan Minette wrote:

> Gautam's book may prove unpopular with CEOs because it shows that a filtered
> leader is not that unique, there are many other candidates who would make
> the same decision.  This would indicate that there is no business basis to
> pay, for example, Apple's new CEO a 600 million bonus, other contenders for
> his job would have done just as well.  Steve Jobs is different, he's an
> unfiltered leader.  But, he started Apple, and if he failed, then a small
> company would have failed...as probably many small computer companies failed
> in the '70s, and many Internet companies failed in the late '90s and early
> '00s.

It's sounding more and more like I need to get a copy of Gautam's book…


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