
I certainly understand that my personal information is in the ULS database,
and that the club posts my info and I've asked them to remove certain
things already. Your email address is private on QRZ exclusively available
to fellow hams who are verified, they even go to the trouble of making you
hover over the email box with your mouse to avoid bots from scanning the
pages. This website I found has our complete emails. Why is that?!? I 100%
understand that what we say on the air is available to everyone to hear and
I don't say private things there. But I just kind of assumed the email list
was private and for club members only. I was confused why it was posted
publicly. Complete word for word our intraclub emails. There's a boundary
between using the ham bands and using email. It would appear we use the
reflector to discuss business such as having equipment for sale, but we do
not discuss that on the air per FCC rules. It's not even really about my
info, I know that the FCC and subsequently QRZ posts it. I just don't like
that our emails to each other are posted online. Again, I was under the
impression that our correspondence within the club was.... WITHIN THE CLUB.
I am unpleasantly surprised it's not. It's an entire correspondence that's
out there, not just name and email/phone etc. Whatever we say is apparently
available to a global audience. We may as well be using a public forum
rather than email. This is in my experience, not the way email lists
operate. When I sent an email to a group at work, it only goes to the
group, not to the internet to be searched. Sure you can look up who a
person works for, what their work phone number is even, but you can't see
their individual emails related to work. That's my main issue. I have
spoken to Mark Hardwick  and I hope we can resolve this. Again the issue is
not just that our signatures are on the site, I am fully aware of how the
ULS, QRZ, and BVARC post relevant information. It's also mainly the fact
that the full content of our emails is available. Based on the responses,
I'm not the only one concerned about that. I'm not super angry here, I'm
just concerned and confused. I hope that makes sense.


On Wed, Feb 3, 2021, 9:35  Eddie Runner via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org> wrote:

> Traditionally, HAMS have used the public information to exchange QSL CARDS
> and other
> correspondence worldwide...
> On the HAM bands it is very common to hear one ham tell another
> that he is good on QRZ....
> that means his address is up to date with the FCC if someone
> wants to contact him..
> On our local repeaters, it is common to hear one of our members
> tell someone he is good on the roster..  meaning his contact info is up to
> date..
> this is what hams do    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> We have in the last few years made a provision in our BVARC record keeping
> that can keep the info on file but only show on our online roster name and
> call sign..
> We have the ability (IF ASKED) to make the phone private..
> And we also have the ability (IF ASKED) to make you not show up at all in
> the public roster...
> (to become private please email: *whoops, that guy doesn't want to share
> his email*...  Just kidding,
> email: w...@bvarc.org..  or me directly  eddie.run...@yahoo.com as I
> maintain the website )
> HOWEVER.. You will show up on QRZ.com and many other websites including
> the FCCs website.
> So making yourself private on BVARC is very tiny compared to your ham
> information covering the globe
> with many many other websites that WILL NOT remove you..
> In the first post from Kori Rahman, he found his name in a search of the
> messages..  (bv...@bvarc.com reflector is shared to other users (club
> members and some non club menbers)
> and also shared on the web publicly from our website..
> Its the webmasters job to get this information into the search engines so
> folks can find out about
> ham radio and find out about the Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club!!!
> (patting myself on the back for a job well done... )
> Eddie Runner    eddie.run...@yahoo.com   NU5K
> On Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 07:16:14 AM CST, William Elliott via BVARC
> <bvarc@bvarc.org> wrote:
> I'm a month into the club and my info popped up too.  I'd rather that not
> be publicly posted.
> -K15MKV
> On Wed, Feb 3, 2021 at 4:28 AM Kori Rahman via BVARC <bvarc@bvarc.org>
> wrote:
> Hello all!
> So I just did a Google search of my call sign (which I will not be stating
> again) and the VERY FIRST thing that came up was my personal email to the
> club list. I was... kinda shocked and surprised. I was under the impression
> these emails were for club members ONLY. Apparently this email list is
> posted to the public and I'm concerned about that. I have personal
> information in my signature (name, phone number etc. which may be used to
> send me spam calls) that could easily be parsed by an algorithm... This
> seems like a major security issue to me and should be fixed. I have to
> wonder who is sending these emails to this website??? If the club is doing
> this they should inform us that anything we say on this list is not a
> private email but a public statement to all of the internet and everyone on
> the planet.
> I would appreciate some feedback on this and how this email I sent to the
> club was posted publicly on the internet for all the world to see.... Maybe
> this is the intent of the club, but I will certainly think twice about
> sending anything out now and censoring my email signature. This must be
> laid out clearly to all new members.
> One of many offending post:
>   https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/msg09908.html
> The use of the word "Private" is extensive in this page I was sent with my
> welcome to the list:
> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
> Look.... I'm not SUPER diligent about reading absolutely everything I get,
> but this seems like an extremely important thing to tell folks... I've been
> a member for about 2 months so maybe this has been brought up before. I
> just feel there needs to be more transparency if this is how it is.
> - My call is in the offending link
> ________________________________________________
> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
> BVARC mailing list
> BVARC@bvarc.org
> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
> ________________________________________________
> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
> BVARC mailing list
> BVARC@bvarc.org
> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
> ________________________________________________
> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
> BVARC mailing list
> BVARC@bvarc.org
> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
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