THIS BOOK : " GIAI PHONG " by T Terzani. It describes a Vietnamese as THIEF, A 
LIAR, A KILLER, A DECEIVER , a sleeper ...... 

Sok Kong's Sokimex  in line for big rewards from Hun Sen regime 

Sok Kong(a Vietnamese ), the owner of Sokimex, a crony of Hun Sen
Sokimex gas station in Cambodia (Photo: The Phnom Penh Post)

People in Phnom Penh say it's not what Hun Sen said but what this guy did to 
Cambodia. Hun Sen is the prime minister to the outside but inside government 
houses, he is seen so incapable to even giving marching orders to others 
without approval from this guy.

Who's this guy?

His name is Sok An, a Viet descent, the current deputy prime minister for 
Cambodia and chairman of the Cambodian National Petroleum Authority (CNPA). He 
has more authorities and unquestionable power than all ministries combined. To 
most Cambodian government senior officials he is the storm and thunder maker.

Like many of his peers in the in the Cambodian Peoples' Party (CPP), under 
Hanoi given alias, Sok An, began his career as a bureaucrat during Vietnam's 
occupation in the early 1980s and rose to prominence alongside Prime Minister 
Hun Sen. An astute political operator, he remained by Hun Sen's side throughout 
the CPP's ruthless consolidation of power and is now one of the prime 
minister's closest allies. Their relationship was recently strengthened through 
the arranged marriage of Sok An's son Sok Puthyvuth to Hun Sen's daughter Hun 

Global Witness has written about Sok An previously in his capacity as 
co-signatory on many of the original agreements for logging concessionaires in 
Cambodia.These concession agreements formed the basis of the disastrous 
destruction of forests which followed, at great cost to Cambodia's environment 
and little benefit to Cambodia's economy.

As the regime's second-in-command, Sok An holds a number of other important 
governmental positions, so many in fact that he has been likened to a 
many-armed Hindu god, due to his
tendency to have a hand in everything. It came as little surprise that, when 
the CNPA was established in 1998, Sok An was elected as its chairman. Since 
then he has presided over all contracts awarded to oil companies, acting as the 
point person for potential investors.

One cartoonist's view of the many-armed Sok An holding many key positions:
-Permanent Vice Chairman of the Supreme Council for State Reform,
-Chairman of the Council for Administrative Reform,
-Chairman of the National Tourism Authority,
-Vice Chairman of the Centralist Democratic Institute (CDI),
-Vice Chairman the Asia Pacific Institute;
-Chief of the Apasara Authority,
-Chief of the National Land Dispute Authority,
-Chief of the Cambodia Training Board,
-Chief of the Royal Academy,
-Chief of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal,
-Member of the Council of Royal Administration and Chief of the State 
Investment Board on Rubber Enterprise.

In his spare time he also finds time to chair the Cambodian National Scout 
Association and run his private cock fighting sport arenas and money bidding 
operation.This is the root of corruption that is up close and too personal to 
Hun Sen. Although with the laws passed and implemented, as long as Sok An 
remains with too much power in hands, Hun Sen will have a hard time to wrestle 
him down. Also people have already lost patience with Hun Sen. So only time 
will tell who will be the next person to bump Hun Sen off the prime minister 
seat. The Karma wheel turns in the same mannor and direction as Hun Sen has 
done to his friends and predecessors.



Khieu Kanharith,  the minister of Information, during a press conference held 

UN Passes Strong Resolution on Cambodia Human Rights Abuses 
Feb. 27, 1982 : UN Commission on Human Rights meeting in Geneva adopted a 
resolution condemning Vietnam’s occupation of Cambodia as a violation of 
Cambodian human rights. The vote was 28 in favor, 8 against, and 5 abstentions.

Oct. 21, 1986 The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution A/RES/41/6, by vote 
of 116-21 with 13 abstentions, calling for a withdrawal of Vietnamese forces 
from Cambodia.

this woman , the Deputy Prime Ministers Men Sam An(A VIETNAMESE ), Nhek Bun 
Chhay and Keat Chhon.
Ms Chea Leang seen here on this picture ,the so called "CAMBODIAN" 
CO-PROSECUTOR, is a Vietnamese woman 

Phnom Penh (Cambodia) 20 November 2006. Co-prosecutors Robert Petit talked to 
Chea Leang(a Vietnamese posing as "Cambodian" co-prosecutor) during the plenary 
session of judges for the KR Tribunal (Photo: John Vink/Magnum) 

Tribunal Prosecutors Differ on Added Suspects 

Chea Leang(a Vietnamese )posing as "Cambodian" co-prosecutor)Tribunal judges 
will determine whether more suspects should be investigated.



> Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 15:15:05 -0700
> Subject: Re: My Cambodian foster daughter
> From:
> To:
> On May 15, 10:44 pm, Len Graceffo <> wrote:
> > Hello Everybody!!! I really need some advice. Please read the following 
> > correspondences with my friend Shelly in Canada. I've been told by 
> > foreigners living in Cambodia that the poor can't go to bed with money in 
> > their pocket as they're programmed to a "day to day" survival mentality. 
> > I'm a Canadian who has been giving $100.00 U.S./month for the last 2 years 
> > to a family of 7 (5 kids). That's about $157.00 CDN with the exchange and 
> > western union fees that they don't seem to understand. The mother can't 
> > read I found out as I was pointing to the months written in Khmer in my 
> > translation book and she didn't understand. But she knows her numbers !!! 
> > The attractive, intelligent 17 year old girl "Mach" lives in Krawlann,Siem 
> > Reap behind the market in a shack off of National Rd #6 at the intersection 
> > of the road that goes north to O'Smach. My recent trip a month ago revealed 
> > that food prices are a lot higher than Thailand's. Why? A skinny whole 
> > chicken cost 150 baht !!! I've been told that university educated people 
> > don't earn $100.00/month U.S. I don't want her ending up in prostitution as 
> > she's the eldest daughter. They keep asking for more money and its making 
> > me angry. Can't they just accept $100.00 U.S and be grateful?  This time 
> > it's to "make rice" up at the family farm in Samrong. I told the parents 
> > that they can do whatever they want with the money as long as Mach is in 
> > English school for the half day I believe and the other half in Khmer.  
> > I've just told her a few days ago I want her needs met and to tell her 
> > mother that $50.00/month is for Mach and the other 50 is for the family. I 
> > give $100.00U.S./month to cover any lost wages since Mach is supposed to be 
> > studying. I really like her Dad Pin. He's a driver/farmer apparently and 
> > seems to work the Krawlann/Samrong/Anlong Veng triangle. With all those 
> > kids is it possible to save money out of that $100.00U.S. I'm lost. I feel 
> > like cutting them off or reducing it to $50.00/month Please advise, Lenny G
> My conscience is very critical toward the Cambodian culture, which
> many people have been disputing.
> It's not bad when a society carries a good culture, which many
> Cambodians have been trying to pursuade others to believe.
> This is where i have problems with. It's very simple to think of it.
> Why have Cambodians destroying their own people with their own hands
> in their own country with or without the help of other nations?
> Why are the Cambodian poeple blaming their own illnesses on someone
> else and trying to make others believe them as victims?
> Many people think that Cambodians truely believe in buddha. Why did
> they kill and tortured millions of their own people during the Khmer
> Rogue era?
> Why are they still doing it as many people are trying to tell us here?
> The more we read about it, the more bad stuffs are coming out from our
> conclusion.
> In your case, that is a part of it. You think that you are helping
> some innocent people who are crying for help. Instead, you are being
> victimized by those people. That's Cambodia,.
> > 

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