At 05:27 PM 12/2/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Alan Zinn wrote:
>> Phil,
>> All those light bulbs seem scarry to me.  Aren't you worried about heat
>> build-up? You should have a heat absorbing glass.  Why not go fluorescent?
>> That way besides the benefit of cold light you can use much lighter glass
>> and structure.
>> I have an easy to build pano enlarger that you could adapt to 8 x 10 if you
>> want to check it out go to my web page below and see enl1.gif. I can send
>> the instructions if you are interested.
>> AZ
>> Maker of Lookaround panoramic camera.
>>          or
>> lookaround
>> _______________________________________________
>> Cameramakers mailing list
>The light bulbs are not a permanent thing, I am still in the prototype stage
>right now. I will be using the camera at first then building a standalone
>enlarger if it works out ok. A glass shop near me has a laminated glass that is
>white inside the layers of glass. In my test run of the light bulbs the other
>day heat should not be to bad if I vent the light box and have some heat
>absorbing glass before the diffusing panel.
>I like the idea someone mentioned of indirect light from the side of the light
>box and lining the light box itself with styrofoam. I will have to experiment
>untill I find the right combination that gives good results. A cold light head
>would be great, I just can't justify the cost of it.
>Once I put together something that works within reason I will post it on my
>Thanks for all the good ideas so far.
>Cameramakers mailing list

I have built a number of enlargers and tried several light box strategies
including multi-lamps and single quartz lamps. If you don't want to go the
cold-light route the indirect quartz light is by far the best. I used an old
hair dryer mounted on the wall and ducted to the lamp head. You will be
saving yourself a lot of grief in the weight and mass department by going
for a foam core and duct tape lamp house. You will want anti-newton ring
glass for the neg carrier and 3/16 plex, milk white difuser material
available here:

btw I have had cold light lamps built for me at neon shops. They make a 8 x
10 (or two  4 x 10) tight, zig zag patterned lamp from 8mm white glass.  If
you run across a broken neon beer sign grab it up for later use as the
transformer for the cold-light. 


Maker of Lookaround panoramic camera.
         or lookaround

Cameramakers mailing list

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