On 2/26/09 2:04 PM, Lee Hambley wrote:
> I would prefer that a simple "gem install capistrano" is the way to go -
> for now, with the latest patches, I don't think that there's a need to
> fork it, and start messing with it yet, there actually isn't anything
> wrong with it... if Jamis could perhaps invite a couple of us
> as collaborators on GitHub, so we can control the main gem release, that
> would be ideal... I wouldn't mind access to do that, or at least to
> accept pull requests on behalf of the community...

I won't be adding anyone as collaborators on my github copy of
Capistrano. That wouldn't help at all with the gem release process,
anyway, which is all done via RubyForge. As I've mentioned elsewhere,
though, once a new version of cap is ready to go, and appears to have
community support, I'll gladly hand over the keys to the rubyforge
project so that gems may be released there.

I'll admit that this part of the transition feels sticky--there's a
danger if more than one team forks cap and both are successful, and both
want to release a new cap gem... I'm counting on that not happening,
though, given that there really wasn't a huge interest in hacking on
capistrano before.

- Jamis

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