Hi Gjergjy

> you'll notice that it isn't very much. not because there aren't good
> programmer here,
> but because the actual codebase is very difficult to handle : no coding
> standards, old
> architecture, to much useless code and a lot of other small things.

That's true, but I will not say that code is collapsing. Just I would go one
step back to free out the smarty stuff out of care2x and coming back to the
smart basic idea. That smarty was might the first step to open the project
to CMS... :-) So that's maybe also the reason why I am not so enthusiastic
about CMS integration.

> as, for me there are only to possible ways of updating care2x.
> first, rewrite it all from scratch
> second, transform the code towards a more modern architecture.
> wich is what I'm doing actually.

Yes, 100% ACK on that. 


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