Actually there is an open season for crow hunting, 1 Sept. to 31 Mar.. 
I think the 1st yr. we heard so much "flap" about hunting them that about 200+- 
crows were actually killed. Supposedly, it was last yr., (& I doubt it) that on 
one weekend, as per a newspaper article, about 150 hunters killed about 348 
crows. It was stated that some hunters actually eat their catch, just as they 
do with deer & other wild game & as others do with sheep, goats, llamas, 
chickens, pigs, beef, fish, etc.. It's just a fact of life that some kill for 
pleasure/sport while most kill for what they deem as a necessity or as a part 
of their jobs.

We have lived in Union Springs 19 1/2 yrs. & watched the increase, the eventual 
decline (probably due to West Nile Virus) & now again an increase in the crow 
population. We have a family of crows that checks out our compost every day. We 
see hundreds of crows leaving the Auburn area in the a.m. going out to feed & 
then returning in the late afternoon/early evening. The fields are almost as 
black with crows as with the thousands of Canadas. Both are dirty & noisy but 
the crow has an intelligence almost beyond comprehension. We enjoy both but are 
ever fascinated by crows. During WW 2, in the 40's, war was declared on crows 
because of the damage they did to corn fields when food was in short supply. My 
grandfather would try to shoot crows, blackbirds & starlings as they stood 
pulling the just sprouted corn. They always saw him coming!! He had far better 
luck hunting deer, squirrels & rabbits which did far more damage but actually 
served us as food & were never, never wasted.

Auburn has a human population of about 28,000 & estimated crow population of 20 
to 50,000, depending on who does the estimating! The crows roost in trees 
within a 5 mi. radius of Aub. as well as in the city trees. A well filled tree 
is an amazing sight & looks like a fully leaved summer tree! The crows fly 
around in the lighted city all night long looking for scraps of food as well as 
garbage bags set out for early morning trash pickup. They are very adept at 
tearing open those bags & scattering the mess as would a dog, cat, racoon, or 
'possum. When I lived in Dryden village I watched crows walk up our street, 
from house to house, tearing open bags. Cornell was sponsoring a "watch to see 
who or what is tearing open garbage bags or knocking over garbage cans & making 

Crows like being near lights, perhaps for the warmth in winter. They have an 
abundant water supply. Ithaca also has water, lots of lights & flat roofs with 
heat exhausts to provide warmth. It's all about survival.

Yes, again this fall, various types of noise-making devices were used as have 
been at least twice previously, to try to chase the birds from city roosts. 
(And no gun use is allowed within the city!) It's definitely only a temporary 
solution. As long as there are humans to produce garbage & litter, & farms, 
(like in cattle feeding lots, open silage bins & manure spread on fields), 
crows & other birds ... & mice & rats will find means to survive.  The crows 
will have young next spring & will return to the cities, not just to Auburn & 
Ithaca & Geneva. And the deer will return to Cayuga Heights, Lansing & other 
areas, a curse for some & a joy for others. 

Fritzie Blizzard

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Michele Emerick Brown 
  Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 1:40 PM
  Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Auburn and crow hunting

  Sadly-(and I hope to be corrected)-but I think Auburn's solution was to 
institute a crow hunting season.


   I believe this article was one written 3 or 4 yrs ago altho' it is headlined 
Aug. 1, 2010, listing Timothy Lattimore as mayor. Michael Quill, the current 
mayor was elected in 2007. At the time the article was written much information 
was skewed, making it seem that lots of "rednecks" were coming in from the 
boonies to "murder crows" & throw a beer party afterwards.


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