Dear CellML users, 

I have a recent version of Ubuntu, and when I try to build opencell, configure 
tells me 

configure: error: The CellML API directory /usr/local did not contain 
interfaces/ICIS.xpt. Give the path to the CellML API with 
--with-cellml_api=/path/to/cellml_api. Ensure you built the API with XPCOM, 
Context, CCGS, CIS and CeLEDS support.

When I download the source tarball of cellml-api-1.10 or 1.11, in either case, 
when I set XPCOM support to ON with CMake, I get 

CMake Error at build/xpcom.cmake:1 (MESSAGE):
   XPCOM support needs to be ported to cmake; please do this and submit a
   patch if you want to use it!

How can I simply get through the two builds? 

Thanks for your kind support.

Best wishes,

Michel Audette, Ph.D. 
Assistant Professor,
Department of Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Engineering,
Old Dominion University,
Norfolk, VA.
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