> Isn't there a Bluedragon product that creates WAR files for deployment
> on any J2EE server, whereby the only Bluedragon cost is for the
> development machine used to create the WAR?
> Perhaps I misread something...

A WAR file is fine.... unless you're actually taking advantage of J2EE
features like EJB, JMS, etc. Then you're looking at an EAR file (Enterprise
ARchive) and a ton of other issues.

Lots of confusion over EJB, J2EE, etc typically on this list. I'll give it a
shot though it's late and I'm weary :)

An EJB container is required for a complete J2EE implementation. That and
the Web container and whatever other current java acronyms -- I actually
don't know of the top of my head (JMS, JCA, JMX, etc). But the point is that
*BY ITSELF* Tomcat is not a full J2EE implementation -- it's at best a
J2EE-compliant Web container. It's missing all the truly *enterprise* J2EE

JBoss has the whole J2EE spec -- the web container (supplied by Jetty or
Tomcat) and EJB container, etc in JBoss. They have a good diagram
http://www.jboss.org/overview.jsp. Same thing with JRun, Websphere, BEA, and
WebLogic -- they have the EJB and Web containers plus all the rest (JCA,
JMX, and dozens of other acronyms required for J2EE compliance :)

For pure Coldfusion (e.g. a WAR), there's only minimal advantage to running
it under JRun, etc as opposed to CFMX Enterprise. (I'm talking architecture
here -- not performance which I haven't tested) If you *are* taking
advantage of serious J2EE and using CF as part of that (as a replacement,
let's say for a Java Struts front-end or an alternative to a .NET client),
then you're probably after the EJB features and you *must* have an EJB
container, thus a full-fledged J2EE app server. Not Tomcat. Maybe Tomcat and
JBoss -- but I don't think MM is there yet for CFMX on JBoss. I'd put my
money on BlueDragon for that one -- someone from MM want to chime in? Jesse?

That said, the one large scale (>$1 M) project I've seen with
ColdFusion/Java EJB was a nightmare (probably management, definitely
iXcoughcoughLcoughdefunct consultants/architects). Of course that was pre
CFMX so no surprise. (for the record, it's now it's pure struts/EJB on

Someone else chime in and help me out.

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