OK, Dave, you're clearly of the lot who will never be convinced about the benefits of 
Fusebox.  That's fine.  But I'll go ahead and end this here so that it doesn't 
degenerate into a series of tit-for-tat exchanges that won't convince anyone of 
anything.  Obviously, I disagree with virtually all of what you say as well, and we 
could do this for days, which I don't care to do.  Everyone is entitled to their 



>> Dave, I'm not talking about navigation elements. I'm talking 
>> about application actions, like clicking on a product to get 
>> product details, clicking a breadcrumb link to get to that 
>> page, clicking sort in a table of data to order on that 
>> column, or any one of an unlimited number of links and forms 
>> that make up a web application that are separate from global 
>> site navigation.
>Again, though, these are navigation elements. They're not "global site
>navigation", but they shouldn't be repeated in too many places. In your
>example of clicking on a product to get product details, I would naturally
>assume that the page which lets you click on a product would be part of the
>same module that lets you see product details, and both pages are likely to
>be in the same directory anyway. The same would hold true for sortable
>tables, and most of the other "unlimited number of links and forms that make
>up a web application".
>> There's dozens of ways to do anything in programming. The 
>> point of Fusebox is that it brings together lots and lots of 
>> these good ideas into a common framework that is easy to 
>> learn, use, and maintain.  There's a whole lot of benefits to 
>> Fusebox beyond just circuits...it just so happens that 
>> circuits are what was asked about.
>While there are many ways to do almost anything, I'm not convinced that all
>the ideas within the common framework of Fusebox are all that good. And, if
>you're trying to convince us why circuits are useful, it's not helpful to
>say "well, Fusebox has all these other good things too!"
>> hmmm...well, that's OK. For me, problems are things like 
>> creating a sturdy architecture that consists of well-defined, 
>> encapsulated components, and building applications that are 
>> easy to maintain while incorporating a great number of 
>> best-practices. Fusebox is a great way to confront these 
>> problems, but it is not the only way. 
>Again, I'm not convinced that it's even a great way, of course. I'm not
>convinced that it helps or hinders implementation of best practices. My
>experience with Fusebox is, at this point, pretty extensive. I've analyzed
>many CF applications. A lot of these were in Fusebox. I tend to find the
>same problems in both the Fusebox and non-Fusebox applications. Unnecessary
>abstraction does not count as a best practice.
>On the other hand, I haven't found it to be a sign of a poorly-constructed
>application, either. I've seen good Fusebox applications and bad non-Fusebox
>applications. But how well-defined and encapsulated can a component be, when
>it's tightly coupled to your database schema?
>> But using a standard like Fusebox makes is very easy to 
>> let others maintain the code, because they understand how 
>> it works. The danger with custom or "secret" methodologies 
>> is always the fact that before anyone can work on it they 
>> have to learn the approach used.
>As a CF developer, I've yet to see a "secret" methodology, but I hear this a
>lot from Fusebox advocates. Here are some samples from John
>"Or if you're a larger shop that has a vested interest in a 'secret'
>methodology -- much like the people of Florence at one time gave
>Michaelangelo's David a FigLeaf, which only serves to create interest in
>what is covered up-- then any open publically known framework, Fusebox or
>otherwise, has to be spun a certain way since the heart of the business
>centers on one's 'secret sauce'"
>"... advantages lie ... in Fusebox's adaptability to their local needs 
>without having to customize it without creating dependencies on "guruness" 
>or "secret sauce". let's face it: if you're a Dinowitz or a Corfield or a 
>Liotta, you don't *need* Fusebox, cuz you're bright and you've got a 
>million other tricks in your arsenal. But what about the other 199,997 
>CF'ers? The best bet they have to get to the point where they can pick 
>and choose the framework that suits them best is to use a known, 
>standardized framework that solidifies sound practices."
>But within source code, there are no secrets - everything's there for all to
>see. Within a very simple language like CFML, it's even easier. The
>complexity often tends to lie outside of CF, anyway, and Fusebox doesn't
>really tell you anything except how to organize your CF code. The biggest
>problem I run into, when analyzing someone's application, tends to be
>thoroughly understanding the choices made within the data schema. Once I
>understand that, the rest follows pretty easily.
>As for "guruness", I think that competence would be a sufficient substitute.
>A competent team of developers will not have any trouble reading and
>understanding a CF application. No "secret sauce" is necessary.
>> Again, I don't think Fusebox is all-powerful...just very 
>> useful in many situations.
>There are places where standardization is especially useful. For example,
>it's useful to have everyone agree to drive on one side of the road. There
>are, however, places where it's less useful, and in my opinion, a lot of the
>places where Fusebox brings standardization are not that useful.
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>voice: (202) 797-5496
>fax: (202) 797-5444
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