> From: Ali Awan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Thanks Mike and Doug, for pointing me in the right direction.
> I'm still pretty fuzzy on the whole thing.  I still can't 
> figure out how to define listeners and events, in a way that 
> makes sense for the applications I write and work on.
> For now I'll probably stick to Fusebox 4, and troll the lists 
> you mentioned to see if I get struck by lightning and it all 
> makes sense to me :)
> I mean I understand the MVC concepts and OO programming in 
> theory, just not the practical uses of it, vis a vis mach-ii and CF.
> Thanks anyway,
> Ali

Keep at it and ask lots of questions. I haven't met anyone on any of the
lists who isn't more than happy to explain concepts, share some insight
into best practices, or even share some example code. Start out small
with a basic application.... Model it out. Ask questions about your
model and architecture and go from there. When jumping into CFCs, I
started out with a simple application which I called "Contact Manager"
which was nothing more than a big rolodex. It will click sooner or later
for you... Just keep at it.

Are you on the CFCDev list? Listen in there for insight as well as the
forums previously mentioned.

Good luck!


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