My first AJAX interaction (which was very simple) took me about 15 minutes
to complete from googling the term to implementation.

Granted I already have exposure to Javascript, but it is worth it.

- Calvin 

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 4:50 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Inline frames a good alternative for creating web applications?

> Apologies for getting all philisophical and preachy, but such is life.'re absolutely right.  I know that AS, JS, and AJAX are outside my
"domain", experience, and comfort zone.

I come at this not from a programmer for a corporation, where my job may
depend on knowing some of this stuff.  The sites I build are dynamic using
CF, but no other languages.  I'm a one-man shop with relatively small-time
clients who don't even know what a "dynamic site"
is until I introduce it to them.

Being an independent designer/programmer (CF), without a salary, I have to
work project to project for income and none of my clients are asking for
Rich Client apps...but some are asking for office apps to use in-house to
replace software.  I'm always looking for better ways to do that, but at a
reasonable cost / effort perspective.  They have no demands for Rich
Clients, but I often sell solutions I develop before clients know they need
them.  But some solutions are just too costly to work on.  (Time mainly,
which translates to income)

The question I'm asking myself is would something like inline frames suffice
for now, since they're easily implemented?  I'm doing the same sort of thing
with CFINCLUDEs for tables, etc., instead making clients go to another page
to fill out a form, I just CFINCLUDE the form on the page when they click
the "Add Account" link.  Looks to me like the only thing refreshed is the
DIV I'd placed the table in.  (Just been playing around with DIV's as


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 4:30 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Inline frames a good alternative for creating web 
> applications?
> Well, JS remoting capabilities have been around since the late 
> ninties, so it's hardly new technology.  I'm not sure why there's been 
> a sudden upsurge in interest, because it's certainly not a new 
> concept, and has been used all over the place for many years.  I think 
> the word AJAX has some subconcious appeal to people, because that's 
> all it is: a buzzword.  There is no such thing as AJAX technology, no 
> versions of it, nothing.
> I'll certainly agree that IFRAMEs are easier to understand than JS 
> remoting, but then, a steak knife is easier to understand than a 
> compound miter saw as well.  You could frame a house with either one, 
> but, well, you see where I'm going.  ;)
> Part of being a good developer is being familiar with enough tools to 
> pick the right one for a job, and also to appreciate that some jobs 
> fall outside your domain experience, and you'll either have to expand 
> your domain, or turn down the job.  It's a hard fact of life (no one 
> likes to say "yeah, um, I don't know how to do that"), but it is a 
> fact.  And the more varied your knowledge, the less it'll happen.
> Apologies for getting all philisophical and preachy, but such is life.
> cheers,
> barneyb

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