Thanks Den...I'll have to check that out.  The only mods should be the ones
in dev.  Test is a combo of testing and staging where we do final testing
before putting it something like that should work.


/*-----Original Message-----
/*From: denstar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/*Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 4:55 PM
/*To: CF-Talk
/*Subject: Re: CF/SVN SOT question
/*I've got some stuff that uses SVNkit, the java subversion deal.
/*Pretty slick, looks as if anything you'd want to do, you could do through
/*Create / *Duplicate* / Checkout repositories, alter repositories-
/*branch, merge, commit, etc..
/*I'll I've got going is the browsing and committing to repositories
/*(basically a CMS that uses SVN as it's back-end), and exporting and
/*zip-exporting, but if you're good at doing deltas and whatnot, adding
/*merging and whatnot would be a snap...ish (still monumental, but it's
/*all relative).
/*Creating branches is easy enough, and you can export from the
/*repository... but the merging, well... so long as the process didn't
/*need a human to look at it (no conflict editor), it could be done
/*pretty easily (relatively *wink-wink*), I reckon.
/*Anyways, you'd probably need to be pretty Java savvy, to wank on the
/*merging/conflict handling, etc., but there are some good docs with
/*Just because it's in print doesn't mean it's the gospel.
/*Michael Jackson
/*On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Eric Roberts wrote:
/*> Anyone know of any cf based packages that can handle merging from branch
/*> branch to trunk as well as updating directories on other servers?  I am
/*> looking for something that can centralize the promotion process from a
/*> single server so I don't have to remote into each box to do this?
/*> Any advice would be awesome and appreciated.  Thanks!
/*> Eric

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