Questions like that hard to answer generically.  

In general, you need to add some GC args to take a look at your garbage
collections and how often they are running as well as how much memory
you generally use.  (jConsole will also be a good step)  Chances are, if
your server has enough RAM and CF is the only thing running, you can
probably safely increase your Xmx.  There are many good blogs out there
by people who know more than I do.  Adobe also has good info on the

The perm generation is where classes are stored.  If your app is heavy
on CFCs, you might need more.  Generally, if that really is problem,
you'll start seeing out of perm space errors.



For reference here is the arguments from out development server which 
should be the same on our production server
# Arguments to VM
java.args=-server -Xmx512m 
-XX:+UseParallelGC -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home}/

Are there any concerns or performance problems having this argument 
configured on a production server?

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