On 1/20/2010 3:03 PM, b...@bradwood.com wrote:
> Is the jrun process specifically consuming the CPU usage, or is another
> process using it?  Is SQL Server or any thing else also running on this
> box?

Yes, looking at the task manager we clearly see one of the JRun services 
spinning at 50% (we have a 2 cpu server).

> Also, how much memory does jrun usually use?  What are you min and max
> heap arguments?  Windows may have 1 Gig allocated to jrun, but you may
> only be using a portion of it.
> Another quick place to check are scheduled tasks in CF.
> Ditto on the CF server monitoring.  It is bad news, period.  I hate to
> say it but memory tracking is virtually unusable in my experience
> because it has instantly crashed the server any time I've even tried to
> enable it-- even if only for a few seconds.

Well, it has not caused my any troubles today when I have turned it on.  
I guess mileage does vary.  I have not left it on of course, but I have 
used it to spot check the situation for several minutes at at time.  I 
even ran it for a couple of hours yesterday.

> And finally, buy SeeFusion.  It's like 300 bucks and it makes it dang
> easy to watch your memory, get stack traces (for a specific thread, or
> the whole server) and it will show you what is running and what SQL it
> is calling.

Unfortunately money is not a good topic right now, but I if I can....

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