Is the jrun process specifically consuming the CPU usage, or is another
process using it?  Is SQL Server or any thing else also running on this

Also, how much memory does jrun usually use?  What are you min and max
heap arguments?  Windows may have 1 Gig allocated to jrun, but you may
only be using a portion of it.

Another quick place to check are scheduled tasks in CF.

Ditto on the CF server monitoring.  It is bad news, period.  I hate to
say it but memory tracking is virtually unusable in my experience
because it has instantly crashed the server any time I've even tried to
enable it-- even if only for a few seconds.

And finally, buy SeeFusion.  It's like 300 bucks and it makes it dang
easy to watch your memory, get stack traces (for a specific thread, or
the whole server) and it will show you what is running and what SQL it
is calling.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: ColdFusion|JRun CPU and|or memory problem.
From: Ian Skinner <>
Date: Wed, January 20, 2010 3:37 pm
To: cf-talk <>

Any good information on how to track down what is causing a ColdFusion 
server to behave badly.

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