On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Eric Roberts <
ow...@threeravensconsulting.com> wrote:

> Lets say you drive a ford and I give you a piston for a Chevy for free.
> Unless you happen to also have a Chevy with the engine that fits, I
> basically gave you a useless piston...but it was free...  So to say this
> bundle is beneficial to all is a misstatement.

OK.  Show me where I (or anyone in this or any other thread) said "this
bundle is beneficial to all".  Take your time and look hard.

> They should offer other
> options.  That would be the right thing to do.

The "right" thing to do is highly subjective.  For you, it might be the
right thing to do, and as I've said (repeatedly), I understand that.  This
is the direction that Adobe's chosen to take.  And while I get that it's not
beneficial for everybody, I see where there is the potential for it to be
beneficial by way of cross-promoting CF to Flex people and Flex to CF
people.  That, to me, doesn't seem like the "wrong thing".  All I'm asking
people to realize is that because it's not "right" for them does not make it
wrong.  There is no scenario under which it would be "right" for everybody.

> It's the same reason why
> many of us stopped using Dreamweaver.  While DW is a great package, it has
> a
> lot of features that are completely useless to us as developers, while Home
> site or Eclipse was just right as far as an environment for developers as
> opposed to designers. If I don't use flash or flex, what is the value of
> Flash builder to me?  (hint:  $0)

I stopped using DW because I found it to be bloated, sluggish, and
unresponsive.  I've heard that it's gotten better, but I've not had the
opportunity to try it out lately.

To you, the value of FlashBuilder is $0.  I can't say, "I get that" any more
than I already have.  To others, there's value.  Perhaps I've been wanting
to try my hand at Flex, but wasn't prepared to shell out the $ for
FlexBuilder/FlashBuilder.  Now I've got a reason.  There's some value.

So again... no value to -you- specifically != no value.

> Considering that as far as CF is
> concerned, we are the marketing team since they can't seem to have the
> drive
> to market it themselves, making us happy is a good idea.  We are the ones
> that suggest CF to clients and employers.  We are the ones that push for
> upgrades.  Adobe makes lots money from our actions.

I agree that there have been issues with marketing CF.  For years I'd have
loved to have seen a CF ad in a trade magazine that promoted CF to
developers of other languages.  But do you not see the marketing effort
here?  Cross promoting FlashBuilder to CF developers, and CF to Flex
developers (who may be PHP or Java or Ruby people)?  There's value in that
effort.  It may not work, but I applaud the effort.

People seem to keep coming back to, "Adobe needs to take care of us to grow
the community".  I don't get that.  If they take care of us they keep the
community content, but it doesn't grow.  We're still going to push CF to
clients and employers.  You  might stop doing so because you're upset about
the fact that the CFBuilder pricing isn't catered to your needs... a handful
of others might as well.  But I'd venture to guess that it won't be a
statistically significant amount of people.  CF server is the product we use
and love.  A number of us will shell out the $300 for CFBuilder -and-
FlashBuilder.  A number of us will continue to use CFEclipse or TextMate or
Coda or BBEdit or...

I just don't think anybody's getting screwed here.  If anything, people are
getting something for nothing.  If you don't want what they're offering for
nothing, you're not getting screwed.  You're no worse off than you were

Charlie Griefer

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

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