> You have it exactly backwards, Brian. Adam accused the Open Source
> cfml community of being abusive toward Adobe.
> And I quote from Adam: "The "open CF" side of the community couldn't
> be more abusive
> towards Adobe. It's laughable to think that the community holding the OS
> vendors accountable would make someone leave CF."
> I called Adam out on this statement and will continue to do so. The
> Railo and CFEclipse lists, at least, are quite far from abusive toward
> Adobe. I do not monitor the OpenBD lists, so perhaps there is
> something going on there that I am unaware of. But the accusation of
> abuse came from Adam, not the other way around.

That's a response from Adam to a post by Russ. You may want to read
that post. To save you the trouble of finding it, here's the relevant

"Attitude of the CF community (mainly caused by certain people being abusive
to Railo/BD)
Attitude of Adobe"

Now, I don't really have a dog in this fight - while I'm an Adobe
partner, and resell Adobe products, I simply haven't seen any impact
on that business from the open-source engines. But I haven't seen
anything I'd qualify as "abuse" coming from either Adobe or anyone
speaking on Adobe's behalf, even indirectly. It's not abuse to point
out the cannibalistic effect that competing open-source engines may
have on the ColdFusion market. It strikes me as kind of absurd for the
people arguing in favor of these engines to say that they'll draw new
developers to CF; perhaps they'll keep people on CF who would
otherwise leave, but those are two different things. To me, really
only one thing is certain - if ColdFusion does not continue to make
money for Adobe, they'll drop it like yesterday's news.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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