> Correcting the installer won't solve all problems, but it should not be the
> CAUSE of problems

The installer is installing an application server. Again, this is
inherently dangerous, period, end of story. This particular installer
sets up a web application that is needed to configure the server, and
has to immediately function in order to complete the installation
process. The web application is the source of nearly every CF
vulnerability, and has been for many years. In addition, it's very
easy to install that web application securely with just a little bit
of knowledge, as I outlined previously.

And hey! if you install CF 10 today, it gives you a little checkbox
called "Secure Profile" which does exactly what you want! (Assuming
that what you want is to limit access to the CF Administrator, disable
RDS, require a complex password, disable debugging and detailed error
messages, etc, etc.) I'm still not going to rely on that to secure
access to CF Administrator, because I prefer to simply block access to
it entirely from untrusted networks. But it seems to solve the
specific problem you're complaining about.

So, honestly, I'm not really sure what you're going on about, other
than "administrators shouldn't be bothered to learn what they're

> "Hey sys admin, I'm going to make your day!  Here's an app which we KNOW has
> security issues and requires a lot of maintenance. You're going to have to
> become an expert in this new technology, invest even more time patching it
> and discover security leaks you won't even be informed about, it'll be your
> job to tell the app vendor about that, too!

Well, honestly, if you set it up correctly in the first place and
followed the instructions in the lockdown guide where appropriate, you
actually wouldn't have to worry nearly as much about patches. Given
that the vast majority of CF vulnerabilities are in the CF
Administrator specifically, if you configure access to that correctly
you don't have to become an expert, spend a lot of time patching, or
discovering security leaks. The same is true for EVERY PIECE OF

People used to expose database servers to the public. Whether a
database server has known vulnerabilities or not, that's just a bad
idea, and anyone who's installing a database server should know

> In addition, the company that produces the application got hacked recently
> and the hackers got a lot of user data.

I'm not sure how that's all that important here. Adobe was not hacked
through a CF vulnerability. If you want to find people using CF, you
don't need to hack Adobe to get that. There are lots of people who
have that data. Admittedly, if you want to find people who bought
older versions of CF, that would be easier to get from Adobe, but that
wouldn't tell you whether those people are still using CF or whether
their servers were set up properly. In addition, that would have
nothing to do with what you want Adobe to do now. To the best of my
knowledge, Adobe does not possess a time machine, so they can't go
back in time to fix problems in old installed systems other than by
providing patches. I guess that it's a good thing that administrators
don't have to worry about patching anything else.

> But we developers, we're not worried about this because if our server gets
> hacked (through widely published methods well known by the hacker community), 
> it's
> all YOUR fault! I mean, it's not like you've got anything better to do, is 
> it?"
> *sound of running feet and screaming*

I'd be interested to hear how security audits work in your
organization. On second though, maybe not.

If you think vulnerabilities don't exist for other products, through
"widely published methods well known by the hacker community", I don't
know what to tell you. If you install any application that will be
exposed to untrusted networks, you are expected to apply basic due
diligence. If you cannot do that, you should not be administering that
system. And for CF, at least, it's easy to block the "widely published
methods well known by the hacker community".

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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