*If you don't use git-cl, you can stop reading now.*
Attention git-cl users: git-cl now has presubmit
 New users that set up their git checkout on or after Wednesday (2009/10/14)
are already configured with presubmit support.  Feel free to skip
the setup instructions since you've already run them but read on to learn
more about the recent changes.

*Presubmit support for Existing Users (if you set up your git checkout
before 2009/10/14):*
Run these commands to install the required git hooks in your repository:

   1. cd /work/chromium/src # *where "/work/chromium/src" is the path to
   your git repository*
   2. gclient sync # *to upgrade your copy of depot_tools and git-cl*
   3. git cl config http://src.chromium.org/svn/ # *to install the git-cl
   presubmit hooks*

You must rerun the git cl config command in each of your local git
*New and updated git-cl commands:*
  git-cl presubmit
    Runs upload and commit presubmit checks on the current changelist.

  git-cl upload
    Runs presubmit tests on upload, continues even if tests fail.

  git-cl dcommit
    Run presubmit tests on commit, halts if tests fail.

To bypass the presubmit tests in upload or dcommit, use
the --bypass-hooks flag. git-cl dcommit's -f now implies --bypass-hooks
along with skipping the commit confirm prompt.

Feel free to reply to me off-list with any questions you have.

Thanks to Evan Martin, Marc-Antoine Ruel, and Nicolas Sylvain for their help
making git-cl presubmit support a reality.


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