On 05/14/2010 09:42 PM, Nathan Gibbs wrote:
> * Alain Zidouemba wrote:
>> Feature requests are always welcome. 
> However a resounding NO after putting in the effort is not.
> It has been my experience to post a feature request and be told that.
> 1. The lake & short pier are to your right.
> 2. Take a long walk and or jump.
> A better experience has been to bounce ideas off the list and be told to shut
> up & post it in their bugzilla already.
> Either experience is less than ideal.
> In summary I refuse to waste my time and the ClamAV Team's time submitting a
> feature request that they will refuse to implement.
>> Please enter it/them here:
>> https://wwws.clamav.net/bugzilla/
> Yes I do know where to post them.
> :-)
> 1. Is moving updates over https a good idea?
> For the ClamAV update infrastructure at large, probably not.

For the public mirrors no.
https has extra overhead (ssl setup), and the CVD files contain a
digital signature already (which is checked by freshclam) so https won't
offer any additional security.

> For a local mirror setup, it would be an interesting option.

Is it just about using port 443 to connect (and still using http
protocol) or actually using the https protocol to transfer the files?
The former could be implemented easily.

Best regards,
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