* Török Edwin wrote:
> On 05/14/2010 09:42 PM, Nathan Gibbs wrote:
>> 1. Is moving updates over https a good idea? For the ClamAV update
>> infrastructure at large, probably not.
> For the public mirrors no. https has extra overhead (ssl setup),

Thats what I thought, more complicated for you guys.

> and the CVD files contain a digital signature already (which is checked by
> freshclam) so https won't offer any additional security.

Oh, and redundant, so for the public mirrors, it is bad idea.

>> For a local mirror setup, it would be an interesting option.
> Is it just about using port 443 to connect (and still using http protocol)
> or actually using the https protocol to transfer the files? 

Using the https protocol.

I would like the option to use the https protocol with freshclam in a local
mirror setup.

At our site, the "update server" hosts clamav DBs, snort rules,  some conf
files, etc.  The ability to protect the other data would be a plus.  It would
add another layer of defense to our setup.  However its not workable if
Freshclam cannot speak https.  Its redundant as far as ClamAV's data integrity
goes.  However, I think its worth doing as far as "hack value" and
interoperability go.

I would already be running https on our update server, except

1. I hadn't even thought of it until  Eddie Ekwo mentioned it.
2. I'm not sure if freshclam can speak https.

I'll gladly put my 2 cents into the bugzilla, but only if its an idea you guys
think is worth considering.



Nathan Gibbs

Systems Administrator
Christ Media

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