On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 06:34:33PM -0400, Nathan Gibbs wrote:
> At our site, the "update server" hosts clamav DBs, snort rules,  some conf
> files, etc.  The ability to protect the other data would be a plus.  It would
> add another layer of defense to our setup.  However its not workable if
> Freshclam cannot speak https.  Its redundant as far as ClamAV's data integrity
> goes.  However, I think its worth doing as far as "hack value" and
> interoperability go.

Using https sounds silly in favor of more robust methods like rsync+ssh. I
certainly would trust rsyncing a verified set of signatures more than using
freshclam code which has had bugs in past.

-1 for adding yet another external library dependency for little purpose.

As far as the original poster goes, I don't think https protocol was the
issue, only TCP port. Such human generated firewall "problems" are solvable
in many ways if desired and IMHO has nothing to do with ClamAV.

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