Hello Marcie
I tolerated Gleevac for 13 months, numbers were great.   Then I experienced eye 
bleeds (severely bilateral blood shot eyes), and they were fearful the bleeds 
would occur in the brain, so, that stopped the Gleevac for me.  I have never 
heard of the Ploop you mentioned.  Good luck Marcie.   Currently I am on no 
medication for CML, am awaiting Sprycel blood levels (stopped due to severe 
shortness of air).  

--- On Sun, 2/28/10, margoo...@aol.com <margoo...@aol.com> wrote:

From: margoo...@aol.com <margoo...@aol.com>
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] Re: Paying the donor of Bone Marrow
To: cmlhope@googlegroups.com
Date: Sunday, February 28, 2010, 6:28 PM

This is Marcie from Baltimore.  I was diagnosed March '09, started Gleevec and 
other than getting used to the side effects which have not been too bad, I have 
done well.  That is until my January bloodwork when my hem/onc said that all of 
my numbers were slightly off.  They ran the blood again early Feb and he told 
me that he was very unhappy with what he was seeing.  I had reached a point 
where only 7% cancer cells were showing and now suddenly that doubled to 14%.  
I am waiting for results of new tests, one that has to do with something called 
"p loop" and my best understanding is that I may have developed Gleevec 
resistance.  I have had of this but it seems like most people develop that 
years into it, not 11 months.  My doc mentioned that, pending what the new 
blood results show, he may switch me to Tasigna.  Has anyone else on this site 
developed resistance that quickly and does anyone understand the meaning of the 
p loop test?  Thanks very

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Gartenberg <wa2...@gmail.com>
To: cmlhope@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, Feb 25, 2010 9:19 pm
Subject: Re: [CMLHope] Re: Paying the donor of Bone Marrow

Hi Suzieq, 

Please forgive me for my error. In any event you read it and brought up some 
rather interesting questions. As you mentioned, you are doing well on Gleevec, 
and that is very good. A bone or stem cell transplant is like a life preserver 
on a sinking ship. While the ship is going down there are people trying to hang 
onto that life preserver, and no one really knows if there is another ship 
nearby to pick them out of the water. This should be the absolute last thing 
that someone wants to do especially if another therapy is working well.

I am sorry to hear about your brother and he is probably still watching over 
you. Think about it as your doing well on the Gleevec, and not needing a 

I still think about my donor who unfortunately has passed away, but not from 
the marrow donation. The story would take me hours to explain, so I will just 
leave it at that... 

In the time I had my transplant the 6 out of 6 Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) 
match was considered a "perfect" match. Now there is a 10 out of ten HLA. Times 
have changed and so has the ways a transplant is given. How long ago were you 

Finally, as far as the immuno suppressive or anti rejection drugs, I had to 
take huge doses for the first year, then it tapered to nothing after that first 
year. So, in my case it was not a "for life" situation. However, since my 
kidneys are failing I will require another transplant probably within a year or 
so. Once this kidney transplant happens, I will then have to be on immuno 
suppressive drugs for the rest of my life. So, who ever said that life is fair, 
but I just roll with the punches. 

I often get asked about all that I went through, and I always answer by asking 
if every one put their troubles into a paper bag and left all of those bags in 
a pile then which one would I choose... MINE!   

GOD bless,


On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 2:17 PM, Suzieq <sheila.a.wat...@gmail.com> wrote:


You've confused me with Russel who is the one who responded that he
had the bone marrow transplant and was looking for ways to thank his
donor.  I still have the CML and on 400mgs of Gleevec which is keeping
the CML at a very low range & I've done fine on it since being dx'ed
in Jan. '04.  As long as it is working, I have no thoughts of doing
anything different.  He is also the one who spoke of "selling to the
highest bidder",  not me.  I only wrote the article I read in the
paper.  I have no qualms with the way they would like to pay.....I
think it would be a commendable way of trying to generate more donors
rather than just giving the donor money free and clear.  I think this
brings up some very good issues with those of us who might one day
face this possibility of having a BMT as some of you have already had.

And, Marty, you are so right about the 1 in 4 percent range of a
sibling match.  I have two older brothers...neither of which matched
me. (smile)  I told my husband that I felt pretty sure that my perfect
match lies in the grave yard back where I'm from.  He was an older
brother who was hit by a car and killed at six years old (I wasn't
quite 1 year old at that time).  The National Registry found twenty
four 6 for 6 matches to me back when I was first dx'ed.  That was the
best they could do........at that time, I didn't even know what that
meant.  And after reading up on how they did BMT's,  I told my husband
then that I would never want to put someone through that unless it was
the last option I had.

By the way, Marty,  do you still have to take the "anti-rejection"
medication?   I was just wondering if that was a "for life" thing once
it was done.



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