Hey Francois,

Thanks for sharing the dramatic story of your prop upgrade.  Hope it helps 

Chuck S

> On September 19, 2019 at 1:18 AM Francois Rivard via CnC-List 
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
>     Last June, I took the opportunity to remove my old tired Martec prop and 
> send it to the factory for a rebuild while my boat was on the hard for a new 
> bottom paint,
>     Sounded like a great idea except that the post office lost the prop.  
>     Upon realizing that the prop was gone for good, I did much research and 
> decided to buy a Flex-O-Fold 2 blades folder. I had to hurry and put my order 
> in before July 5th because Flex - O  - Fold was closing their doors for 
> "Summer Holiday" between July 10th and August 15th.  Can you believe it? Yep, 
> close the whole thing down right smack in the middle of prime sailing season. 
>     That should have been a clue about their customer service or lack 
> thereof.  
>     I got the prop direct from Denmark about a week after putting the order 
> in and had my diver buddy do the install.   The prop looked great but did not 
> perform well at all.  It was over pitched and vibrating really badly, worse 
> than my old tired Martec, my engine was smoking, vibrating, and generally 
> peeved from the lugging / overload.  I just had to put-up with it until mid 
> August when they came back from vacation.  After that It was one arguing 
> email after another on why I'm wrong, my engine is bad (It made 7.6 knots on 
> flat water with the old 3 fixed bladed prop), and in their infinite wisdom 
> they had "definitely" sent me the right prop / I was just not appreciating 
> it.  It finally ended with sending a picture of my chartplotter clearly 
> displaying 7.6 knots SOG while motoring  Then they said: Send the whole thing 
> back to us.  
>     Truth to be told, all it probably needed was new blades with 1 inch less 
> pitch.  (They were 16 X 12) I was so fed-up with their crappy attitude, I 
> spent the 200 bucks and sent the thing back. They "Checked" it (Nothing 
> mechanically wrong, just wrong specs) and finally became decent / offered to 
> send my money back. 
>     After the refund, I ordered a 2 blades 16" Max Prop Easy  / received it 
> last week / installed it yesterday.  
>     It works!  My engine maxes-out at the Yanmar prescribed RPM, it's 
> smoother than I expected, almost as smooth as the fixed 3 blades prop, and 
> the reverse is phenomenal, just like everybody says.   As a bonus, according 
> to a German magazine test, it has less sailing drag than the Flex - O - Fold. 
>     3 months later... It's done.  Good thing we sail all year long here.  I'd 
> be pretty upset If I had to put the boat away for the winter in a week or 
> two... 
>     -Francois Rivard
>     1990 34+ "Take Five" 
>     Lake Lanier, GA
>     _______________________________________________
>     Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions. Each 
> and every one is greatly appreciated. If you want to support the list - use 
> PayPal to send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray

Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.  Each and 
every one is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list - use PayPal 
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