On 24 Apr 2020, at 2:18, Rob Petrovec wrote:

I get a 1 second time for the first run and then a much quicker time for the second. I did some sampling and the longer time due to is Apple’s check for malware on first run of a process. This is a known, documented and advertised behavior.

I would be very interested in documentation about what low-level APIs (like execve) do malware checks (network access), under which conditions they are performed, what servers are contacted, and what sort of caching of good/bad results are done.

Is any of that documented?

There is also blacklisting going on: I can get an executable locally blacklisted which will cause it to terminate instantly when executed. This seems to be about some run-time code signature validation, and when it happens, it appears to be the inode that gets blacklisted until next reboot, but more info about this would be nice.

[…] So I don’t think this test is analogous to your initial issue of a delay opening a file every time.

I said I get a similar delay the first time my app obtains URL properties¹ for ~/Desktop, ~/Documents, and, ~/Downloads, and I included sample code for this issue.

The actual delay appears to be in getxattr() which communicates with sandboxd, and the delay disappears when disabling WiFi, hence why it appears to also be a “phone home” issue like execve() above. But where execve() only does it on “first launch”, this check seems to be performed on first call after each new launch (for each different “protected” file path).

Perhaps you would be willing to add this sample code to a GUI application and see if you can reproduce? I re-attached it below, and have the result written to /tmp/duration.txt so you don’t have to fiddle with capturing log output.

Please note, it should be stand-alone GUI app launched from Finder, as the delay does not (always) happen when launched from the terminal.

¹ I later said I have seen many delays on my system since upgrading to macOS 10.15: But so far, I have only tracked down reproducible issues with execve() and getxattr(), but those do not explain all my delays, so there might be more low-level API that does “phone home”, I’m still in the data collection phase.


        void test ()
           NSTimeInterval startTime = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate;

           NSArray<NSURL*>* urls = @[
[NSFileManager.defaultManager URLForDirectory:NSDesktopDirectory inDomain:NSUserDomainMask appropriateForURL:nil create:NO error:nil], [NSFileManager.defaultManager URLForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomain:NSUserDomainMask appropriateForURL:nil create:NO error:nil], [NSFileManager.defaultManager URLForDirectory:NSDownloadsDirectory inDomain:NSUserDomainMask appropriateForURL:nil create:NO error:nil],

           NSString* localizedName;
           for(NSURL* url in urls)
[url getResourceValue:&localizedName forKey:NSURLLocalizedNameKey error:nil];

NSString* duration = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Duration %.03f", NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate - startTime]; [duration writeToFile:@"/tmp/duration.txt" atomically:NO encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];

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