Yes. I think, that unless I have missed something, it is the one missing
link in C2. "Pull MVC" seems to be the new buzzword, it would be good to be
able to add it to C2s feature list.

Tell me 2 things with the implementation you have:

1. Can you use the new url protocol from all stylesheets, i.e. Transformers
and logicsheets?

2. When you want to cache your data (in particular in the session object)
how do you achieve this? I can see that in
org.apache.cocoon.environment.Source you may have access to the request
environment (via the factory), but with
org.apache.cocoon.components.xslt.XSLTProcessorImpl you don't have access to
any such thing (although I suppose you could create your own static storage
somehow and check for sessions being invalidated to clear out data.)

I will let you know how I get on anyway.



-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Řie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 05 December 2001 16:30
Subject: RE: Inserting / Comining XML data 

>Glad to know somebody has had similar thoughts/needs.
>I will try this. You're right this doesn't replace generators - but it does
>allow you to quite easily implement some sort of "Pull MVC" model a opposed
>to the generator push model - and will allow me to use my existing
>stylesheets mostly unchanged.

i think this is quite sexy, the pull MCV is very nice for content modeling.
Say you got 4000 fragments of xml and you want to create different documents
for different users with content from some of these fragments. with the pull
consept you can just assemble a stylesheet that uses document() to include
the selected and personalized content for the user.

with push you will have to write a generator, and a really flexible one to
compete with the xsl!!!

if you get this to work, i would like to know your experiences with it as i
see this as a thing we sould try to get the xml.cocoon-dev people to
recognize! :-)

since i can see that this is what you are looking for, check out this link : , i
found the clues to do what i did from this email, and it also contains some
source code that you can look at.

mvh karl řie

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