My direct mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED] which is where to send any files. Ill be
interested to see what you have but I have to confess my frustration level is
ratcheted up high and almost out of the reach of rationality. I'm generally
not messing with web-client side much. I am paid professionally for my back
end expertise and us usually leave the front end to some jockey with
dreamweaver MX to tackle the jsps. I am primarily an enterprise programmer
and work on the EJB back end. What I intend to do with this think is to
create my EJBs. Write generators that contact the EJBs an get information and
publish that information. Somewhere along the road I need to have forms that
then call the EJBs and execute commands on them. Right now Id settle for
getting stuff out.

Example? Here you go .. attached to this is a current example of one little
command that gets the smileys for a forum application using a straight
servlet to XML. This guy works by expecting the browser to do the XSLT
transform for me. Its a hack. A demo just to test the full pipeline and proof
of concept of using XML rather than JSP for the front end.

Now I want to do THIS in cocoon. That is my ultimate goal for the evening.

-- Robert

----- Original Message -----
From: "Geoff Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 5:01 AM
Subject: RE: Cocoon is complex, HOLD ON, WHY IS THIS BOILING UP ?

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Robert Simmons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 10:19 PM
> > Subject: Re: Cocoon is complex, HOLD ON, WHY IS THIS BOILING UP ?
> >
> >
> > The biggest concept that has me is. "Ok so this is cocoon
> > including everything
> > but the kitchen sink... so where do I start on my OWN site?
> Ok, that's what this minimal build is working toward.  I know
> it's now just instructions, but it could soon be part of the
> binary dist.
> > Do I
> > need to copy
> > this enormous cocoon config file?
> Depends on which one?  sitemap.xmap can be stripped down significantly, as
> you'll see when I send you the 5 meg war.  cocoon.xconf could be, but the
> idea
> is that for most people and needs, you never need to touch it.  It's 27k -
> my
> advice is just leave it there and don't touch it.  Maybe it should have a
> prominent comment at the top declaring that this file is necessary, but
> probably won't need to be touched by the end user.
> > Haven't they ever heard of
> > defaults?
> I guess you mean hardcoded in the java in the event the config isn't there?
> I'd rather have a file I could go to to see what the defaults are than have
> them compiled in.  I think this is a matter of taste, and probably won't
> change.
> > Do I
> > really need to hand modify all his stuff?
> No, unless you mean getting to a minimal build.
> > Why is everyone telling
> > me to build
> > the blasted thing from source?
> Only because you wanted to get rid of the unnecessary elements, and this is
> the
> only way to do it for now.  It's changing, but as you can imagine having
> seen the
> size of this, there's a lot of work to make it simple.
> > Cocoon.xconf ? Do I need this in
> > my new war?
> Yes, it's in the one I'll send and you can leave it alone.
> > Holy
> > Christ there are allot of jars (28 is still allot .. prepack them in the
> > distrib).
> I'd think this is a matter of taste, but sure I'll pack them together for
> you.
> > Logikit? I use log4j for everything else. After all its the best
> > logging package ever made! What's with logikit?"
> Don't know why logkit was chosen, but this is configurable the the xconf
> file, but
> I'd advise you to leave it alone at this stage.  But it's exactly that kind
> of scenario
> that has led to the flexibility/complexity that you see.  The
> is hidden
> from the user through an abstraction.  Logging in the components I write is
> as simple as
> getLogger().debug("there you go");
> or getLogger().error("there you go");
> I don't know much about the internals of either package and don't care for
> the most part.
> >
> > Those are the things that pop to mind.
> >
> > Other things vary such as "why the heck wont JBoss let me
> > redeploy this sucker?"
> Not sure, but if you post that on the list (after searching the mail
> archives) I bet
> you'll find someone who's run into that.
> Do you need to deploy within JBoss though?
> > One question I got when I undeployed it from JBoss and dropped it
> > back in and
> > then hit the URL and watched IE wave its flag at me for 5 min in
> > some sort of
> > endless loop.
> Obviously not normal behavior, but no idea what's going on.  I've never
> that and guess it's some issue with JBoss that is probably known by JBoss
> users.
> >
> > -- Robert
> Geoff
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:jconfer=""; xmlns:xsl=""; xmlns:fo="";>
  <xsl:output method="html" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="no"/>
  <!-- template rule matching -->
  <xsl:template match="smiley-admin-view">
    <table width="40%" border="1">
      <tr bgColor="#aaaaee">
        <th width="60">Code</th>
        <th width="40">Icon</th>
        <th colSpan="2">Action</th>
      <xsl:apply-templates select="smiley"/>
        <td align="center" colSpan="6">
          <a href="interface?command=addSmiley">Add a new Smiley</a>

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          <xsl:with-param name="code" select="@code"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="@description"/>
      <td align="center">
        <a href="interface?command=SmileyEditView&amp;code={@code}">edit</a>
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        <a href="interface?command=SmileyDelete&amp;code={@code}">delete</a>

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						<td align="right" width="70">Code</td>
						<td align="center">
							<input id="code" value="{smiley/@code}"/>
						<td align="right">Description</td>
						<td align="center">
							<input id="description" value="{smiley/@description}"/>
						<td align="center" colSpan="2">
							<input value="Submit" type="submit"/>
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