well, looks like a combination:
in case of mods it checks for the namespace URL, in case of rdf, it
looks for a format name of rdf_dc, ...
and yes, endnote export would have to have a name of "endnote" (i ran
into this problem as well with names like endnote-utf-8, ...). i think
unapi would be more usable if there were at least a recommendation of
common format names.

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Jonathan Rochkind <rochk...@jhu.edu> wrote:
> Wait, does it actually recognize the format by the format _name_ used, and
> not by a mime content-type?  Like unless my unAPI server calls the endnote
> format "endnote", it won't recognize it?  That would be odd, and good to
> know. I thought the unAPI format names were purely arbitrary, but recognized
> by their association with a mime content-type like "application/x-
> /endnote/-refer".   But no, at least as far as Zotero is concerned, you have
> to pick format shortnames that match what Zotero expects?
> Robert Forkel wrote:
>> from looking at line 14 here
>> https://www.zotero.org/trac/browser/extension/trunk/translators/unAPI.js
>> i'd say:
>> ad 1. RECOGNIZABLE_FORMATS = ["mods", "marc", "endnote", "ris",
>> "bibtex", "rdf"] also see function checkFormats
>> ad 2. the order listed above
>> ad 4.: from my experience the unapi scraper takes precedence over coins
>> On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Jonathan Rochkind <rochk...@jhu.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Anyone know if there's any developer documentation for Zotero on it's use
>>> of
>>> unAPI?  Alternately, anyone know where I can find the answers to these
>>> questions, or know the answers to these questions themselves?
>>> 1. What formats will Zotero use via unAPI. What mime content-types does
>>> it
>>> use to recognize those formats (sometimes a format has several in use, or
>>> no
>>> official content-type).
>>> 2. What is Zotero's order of preference when multiple formats via unAPI
>>> are
>>> available?
>>> 3. Will Zotero get confused if different documents on the page have
>>> different formats available?  This can be described with unAPI, but it
>>> seems
>>> atypical, so not sure if it will confuse Zotero.
>>> 4. If both unAPI and COinS are on a given page -- will Zotero use both
>>> (resulting in possible double-import for citations exposed both ways). Or
>>> only one? Or depends on how you set up the HTML?
>>> 5. Somewhere that now I can't find I saw a mention of a "Zotero RDF"
>>> format
>>> that Zotero would consume via unAPI. Is there any documentation of this
>>> format/vocabulary, how can I find out how to write it?

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