Dear AfriNIC's Community,

Please see my comments below, inline...

Le jeudi 5 août 2021, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via Community-Discuss <> a écrit :

> Hi Sylvain,

Hi Jordi,
Thanks for replying, brother.

> 11.4 literally says policy not DPP.

...exact, brother! but, btw, what is the lifecycle of
a DPP? That's my point :-/

It simply appears that they used inappropriate
terms, as you can see.

> Also ready 11.5, otherwise you are taking it out of context.
Ok! thanks <>


11.4) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 11.3 above, the Board may
adopt such policies regarding the management of internet number resources
where it considers that the same is necessary and urgent, having regard to
the proper and responsible usage of these resources. [Amended at the 2020

11.5) Endorsement of the policy adopted by the Board:

   1. Any policy adopted by the Board under the provisions of Article11.4
   shall be submitted to the community for endorsement at the next public
   policy meeting.
   2. In the event that such a policy submitted by the Board is not
   endorsed, the said policy shall not be enforced or implemented following
   its non-endorsement; however, any action taken in terms of the policy prior
   to such non-endorsement shall remain valid.


...again, i understand it as a mean to varying the
process...and i'm ok with it. If it's appropriately
used, it could be a useful legal tool, same as CPM
section 3.6.

Now, in this context of variation of an existant
PPD, which clearly define the lifecycle of a DPP,
the BoD consider that they can adopt something.
...the thing can simply not be a policy; but a DPP.
Are you getting me? again, a policy is a state of
a DPP which has been submitted to the PDWG,
get discussed during at least two weeks, get
presented and discussed during PPM, get the
decision of the PDWG's Chairs whether it reach
the rough consensus or back to the list. If rough
consensus is declared, it's sent to the list for a
last call, during at least two weeks. If the consensus remains after that,
it appears that
the PDWG has *adopted* that DPP. Then a
ratification report is sent to BoD, by the PDWG's Chairs, for
consideration. Usually, the BoD ratify,
but, exceptions occur. A ratified DPP becomes a
Policy, then has to be implemented no more than six months after...when
implemented it joins the
other Policies into the CPM.

...i may be wrong, but those are the lines i have
followed to reach to that conclusion.

Hope this clarifies something.


>  [...]


Best Regards !
baya.sylvain[AT cmNOG DOT cm]|<>
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tous! ‪#‎Amen‬!»
‪#‎MaPrière‬ est que tu naisses de nouveau. #Chrétiennement‬
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après TOI, ô DIEU!»(#Psaumes42:2)
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