Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
> > Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> > > Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > >> Actually, all it takes to veto a change is one PMC member to cast a -1
> > >> with a technical justification.  The issue is how a community deals with
> > >> those vetos, and how progress can be made by resolving them.
> > >
> > > So, please bring to the table a particular case, since I fail to recall
> > > any such veto being ignored and/or not worked on to be resolved, other
> > > than the mentioned Leo Simons' (was he even PMC at the time? still not
> > > ignored.) one, which got caught up in a larger mess.
> >
> > Out of simple curiousity, what would this accomplish?  
> That FUD is prevalent in ASF establishment, against its own contributors, for 
> unknown reasons, possibly unintentionally, by an unnamed, possibly unknown, 
> person or a group of persons. And that FUD is being amplified by everyone 
> else into facts, and *I* definately don't like these kind of patterns.

It isn't present, so please stop spreading it.

Rather send patches to the
and /dev/ procedural documents which you feel are obscure.
That is the normal community way.


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