I think he's right. I'm fairly sure 7.5 is a second-player win on 9x9,
and for larger boards intuitively it makes sense that the komi should
be the same or lower. Also, we know that perfect komi is an integer,
for area scoring the likely candidates are 5 and 7, and for territory
scoring (and some unlikely area scoring cases) we also have 6. The
fraction is just deciding who shall have the advantage in breaking


On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 1:59 PM, Aja Huang <ajahu...@google.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As you might know the Chinese professional player Ke Jie is like an erupting
> volcano, triumphant in many domestic and international Go competitions.
> In the interview at
> http://sports.sina.com.cn/go/2015-11-04/doc-ifxkhqea3033663.shtml
> Ke Jie said in his opinion on 19x19 komi 6.5 or 7.5 favors White. That seems
> consistent to MCTS's behavior? i.e. on the empty board, with komi 7.5,
> Black's win rate is usually between 46% and 48% meaning White is ahead. As
> the current top pro, Ke Jie's viewpoint is very interesting. :)
> Aja
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