I do doubt that there is sufficient data available on Go as it is not
popular enough. But lets face it 7 points guaranteed profit is way easier
to utilize than initiative.

For chess it clearly visible quotation from wikipedia
"database between players with similar Elo ratings, commissioned by GM András
Adorján <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A1s_Adorj%C3%A1n>, showed
that as the players' ratings went up, the percentage of draws increased,
the proportion of decisive games that White won increased, and White's
overall winning percentage increased.[15]
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-move_advantage_in_chess#cite_note-15> For
example, taking the highest and lowest of Adorján's rating categories of
1669 games played by the highest-rated players (Elo ratings 2700 and
above), White scored 55.7% overall (W26.5 D58.4 L15.2), whereas of
34,924 games played by the lowest-rated players (Elo ratings below 2100),
White scored 53.1% overall (W37.0 D32.1 L30.8)."
A clear difference and even the lowest category is pretty strong. Around
Elo 1500 1st move probably means next to nothing

Why would it be any different in Go? I think 1st move advantage is far less
for weak players Go than in chess, because doing a Null move is far  easier

2015-11-05 13:39 GMT+02:00 Petr Baudis <pa...@ucw.cz>:

> On Thu, Nov 05, 2015 at 09:03:38AM +0200, Petri Pitkanen wrote:
> > 2015-11-05 0:04 GMT+02:00 Hideki Kato <hideki_ka...@ybb.ne.jp>:
> >
> > > The correct komi value assuming both players are perfect.  Or, black
> > > utilize his advantage (maybe in an early stage) perfectly.  Actual
> > > players, even strong pros, are not perfect and cannot fully utilize
> > > their advantages.  As a conclusion, white is favored.
> >
> > Let alone we do not have even sufficient understanding of perfect play to
> > say what is correct komi in absolute sense. Nor it is it even meaningful
> > concept. Correct komi is a komi that produces about 50/50 result.
> Obviously
> > komi that will result in 50/50 for professionals will probably favour
> white
> > in your average weekend tournaments. Just like in chess 1st move
> advantage
> > is clearly less meanigfull for weaker players than top professionals.
> I find the notion above really counterintuitive, personally.
> Do you have any statistical evidence for this?  I.e. increasing portions
> of white wins in even games as the player rating decreases?
>                                 Petr Baudis
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