The Ars article is well-written - by a former fanboy, too.  M$ has made
their bed and the criticisms in the article ring true.  My fortune 100
company is also talking about returning Macs to the corporate network.
We do not allow Vista on the network and no planned migration date has
been established.  M$ is crashing under their own technical hubris and
sloppy work.

Thank you,
Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----

"Windows is dying, Windows applications suck, and Microsoft is too
blinkered to fix any of it<that's the argument. The truth is that
Windows is hampered by 25-year old design decisions. These decisions
mean that it's clunky to use and absolutely horrible to write
applications for. The applications that people do write are almost
universally terrible. They're ugly, they're inconsistent, they're
disorganized; there's no finesse, no care lavished on them.
Microsoft<surely the company with the greatest interest in making
Windows and Windows applications exude quality<is, in fact, one of the
worst perpetrators."

QUESTION: Why is the press picking so on MS?

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