With the machines # you can order a set from HP's site.

I recently got an HP mini and I think my cost was about 15$ for a set.


At 10:42 PM 11/23/2009, you wrote:
Don't know how long ago she got the HP, but I just purchased one and there is an HP provided utility to burn a 3 DVD set which will restore the machine to its factory settings; i.e. the OS and the other junkware programs. I know Lenovo does the same thing; no disks with the purchased machine, but a utility to create the reinstall disks.

See if you can find such a utility on your HP.

Robert Carroll wrote:
I'm thinking that the only way to fix her computer is to reformat & reinstall OS. But since HP didn't include a Windows XP disk when purchasing her computer, I will have to offer one of mine to her. Is there a copyright issue here? Some of my Windows OS disks were bought for computers that I once had but are discarded now so that the same disk OS would be installed on only one computer at the same time.

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