On Nov 26, 2009, at 11:41 PM, Tony B wrote:
Tom seems to want to disparage CMS's uniformity, but that's why people like them so much.

CMS is for workers in the Gulag. A CMS workflow is not that much different than the workflow in a chicken processing plant. Workers spend all day long filling in the blanks on a form. All day long, every single day it is the same damn form and it produces pages that all look the same. If the CMS demands that you supply it with a horizontal photo and all you have is a great vertical, the CMS will make a hash of your page and you'll catch flack for not following directions (true story).

Only overseers and WFBs who have drunk the coolaid "like" CMSs. People who have to use a typical CMS say "get me out of here."

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